Austin Eloi
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Gym-tastic Halloween (Shrek and Monkey)
Austin and Blair were so excited before class started. About 15 minutes into class they were hot, and they tore off their costumes!
Pumpkin Patch
Picking out our should be a cool weather thing to do, but its still 91 degrees outside! We were HOT!
Black Hawk Down on the Ground
Boo at the Zoo--2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
All Seven
This was the first character that he actually was excited about and ran up to all by himself. This was the moment that he got it...
Prince Charming's Regal Carousel
We rode this over and over and over...and over.
Fontenots meet the Mice
This was Austin's first time to see the mice, and you can tell by his hand in his mouth that he was quite nervous!
Austin came up with this all on his own...
We were eating some gelato in Epcot when he looked at us and signed 'dirty.' We were all laughing because he was covered in chocolate.
Pooh and Tiger
"No, he's a TIGER." -Austin
The Duck
He really loved was kind of weird because that was his character of choice.
Shark Bait
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