Thursday, April 19, 2012


Tonight was Austin's gymnastics exhibition.  YaYa, PaPa, Joanie, Damon, and I all went and watched Austin perform on the beams, tumble track, bars, and floor.  He did wonderful, and he received a trophy at the end. 

Spring Soccer

The soccer party was a swim party this spring.  The best story (looking back) of this party is that EVERYONE in attendance got very sick on Sunday night!  On Monday morning one of the moms emailed the rest of the team and asked if anyone else was sick, and everyone responded "yes!"  By Tuesday, first day of T-ball practice, everyone was back to 100%. 


Zodiac Dragon

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pull the Halyard!

I think his favorite part of sailing is playing with all of the ropes.  He pulls on them A LOT!  If he is not doing that, he is in the hull pretending to do other very important things!

Sailing the Bay

Coloring Easter Eggs

This was Austin's favorite part of celebrating Easter this year.  We colored seven dozen eggs. 

He has asked me several times since then if we can color more eggs.  I really think we are going to be coloring eggs for every holiday! 

Guess who does not like shrimp (but loves spaghetti)?

The plate at the bottom right is Damon's: he loves shrimp and spaghetti!

Tequila II

I have no idea what this horse is really named.  However, due to a horseback riding birthday party, all white horses are now named Tequila.  He is happy to be on a horse, but the sun is in his eyes. 


This slide shoots you out like a bullet...thus Austin's expression!  He is still mid-shoot out in this picture, and he did not slide down this particular slide again. 

Danger is his middle name. 

It's a Deer

Old McDonald's Farm, the site of Austin's field trip, has deer just sitting around on property.  You can walk right up and pet them. 

Rope Swing